Setup Your Own Dream School !
We help you setup and operate your own school successfully.
Become the owners of your school
Why get bonded and work for a franchise when you can be the real owner of your own school ? Start setting up your own school today!
We help you setup your own school based on your budget-capacity. We will help you all the way from planning, budgeting, purchasing, setup, branding and also everyday operations and management of your school.
How we can help you ?
- Starting your own school
- Curriculum and annual planning
- Management and office setup
- Branding & Marketing of your school
- Students & Teachers Assessment Techniques
- Trainings & Workshops for Teachers, Admins, Principals and Owners
Trainings and Workshops
For Teachers, Coordinators, Admin officers and School Owners
- Activity based teaching
- Lesson planning & Time management for teachers
- Classroom management
- Effective teaching learning methods
- Office documentation and management for admin staff
- Effective school management for Proprietors (owners)
- Quality school management for Principals and Vice-principals
Dream School helps you make your dream of starting a school a reality.
- We help you all the way from planning and setup stage up to branding and marketing of your school.
- We also help you in fine-tuning the management and everyday operations of your school.

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Criss Devil

Julia Tyalor

Donald Williams